Coenzyme Q10
Amylase is an enzyme that helps digest carbohydrates. It is produced in the pancreas and the glands that make saliva. When the pancreas is diseased or inflamed, amylase releases into the blood.
Amylase refers to a group of enzymes which break down sugars and starches. Amylase is present in human saliva, where it begins the mechanical process of digestion. Foods that contain much starch but little sugar, such as rice and potato, taste slightly sweet as they are chewed because amylase turns some of their starch into sugar in the mouth.Plants and some bacteria also produce amylase.
Common Symptoms of Deficiency
If your diet is excessively high in carbohydrates, a deficiency may occur , symptoms may include a skin rash, depression and mood swings (including PMS), hypoglycemia, allergies, general fatigue, cold hands and feet, inflammation, aches in your shoulders
A higher than normal concentration may reflect one of several medical conditions, including acute inflammation of the pancreas (concurrently with the more specific lipase), but also perforated peptic ulcer, torsion of an ovarian cyst, strangulation ileus, macroamylasemia and mumps
Amylase may be measured in other body fluids, including urine and peritoneal fluid
Decreased amylase levels may occur due to:
Cancer of the pancreas
Damage to the pancreas Kidney
disease Toxemia of pregnancy
Common symptoms of Amylase Toxicity
Factory workers who work with amylase for any of the above uses are at increased risk of occupational asthma. Five to 9% of bakers have a positive skin test, and a fourth to a third of bakers with breathing problems are hypersensitive to amylase
Bloating; constipation; diarrhea; nausea; stomach cramps or pain; vomiting.
Increased blood amylase levels may occur due to:
Acute pancreatitis Cancer of the pancreas, ovaries, or lungs Cholecystitis Gallbladder attack caused by disease Gastroenteritis (severe) Infection of the salivary glands (such as mumps) or a blockage Intestinal blockage Macroamylasemia Pancreatic or bile duct blockage Perforated ulcer Tubal pregnancy (may have burst open)
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. This can cause amylase and lipase levels to be increased up to 3 times the normal limit. Both values should be increased, in order to carry the diagnosis of pancreatitis.
Tumors – Amylase enzyme levels may be increased in some pancreas, salivary, prostate, lung and ovarian tumors.
Gall bladder infection – Inflammation of the gall bladder (cholecystitis), may cause increased amylase levels, causing hyperamylasemia.
Kidney failure can result in hyperamylasemia.
Recent Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography (ERCP) procedure can result in hyperamylasemia.
Medications – some medications may lead to pancreatitis, which could cause hyperamylasemia and hyperlipasemia.
Your doctor or healthcare provider will diagnose hyperamylasemia or hyperlipasemia by drawing a tube of blood. If there is a suspicion of gall bladder, pancreas or kidney problems, an ultrasound of the gall bladder or pancreas, or a CAT scan of your abdomen, may also be performed.
You may be at risk for pancreatitis, including hyperamylasemia and hyperlipasemia, if you are:
Extremely overweight (obese)
Have high triglyceride levels in your blood
Drink too much alcohol
Have been diagnosed with gall bladder stones (which may block the flow of secretions from the pancreas to the intestines)
Or have a family history of pancreatitis.
symptoms of hyperamylasemia
There are oftentimes no symptoms of hyperamylasemia, unless you develop pancreatitis or some other condition that may cause you to have pain, nausea or vomiting.
If your pancreas is inflamed due to pancreatitis, and your pancreas unable to produce insulin, you may have symptoms of diabetes. These include excessive thirst, frequent urination, extreme tiredness (fatigue), and weight loss. This is often temporary.
Symptoms of pancreatitis may include nausea, sweating and weakness. You may also notice pain in the middle of your chest, which may move or radiate to your backavoid/mitigate hyperamylasemia:
avoid/mitigate hyperamylasemia:
Avoiding alcohol, and taking all the prescribed medications are the primary treatments for high blood amylase levels, if you are being followed in the outpatient department, and you have not been diagnosed with any kind of pancreatitis. Follow all of your healthcare provider’s instructions.
If you are diagnosed with pancreatitis, your healthcare provider may admit you to the hospital. There, they will give you lots of fluids in your vein (IV), provide medication to control your pain, and give you medication to control you nausea and vomiting. You may not be able to eat at first, to give your stomach a rest, but then you will be ordered a diet of foods that can be easily digested.
Avoid alcohol. Alcohol use will irritate your pancreas and liver, and may cause interactions with medications.
Follow a diet that is low in fat, low in red meat, and high in fiber.
Make sure you tell your doctor, as well as all healthcare providers, about any other medications you are taking (including over-the-counter, vitamins, or herbal remedies). These can cause interactions with other medications.
Remind your doctor or healthcare provider if you have a history of diabetes, liver, kidney, or heart disease.
Keep yourself well hydrated. Drink two to three quarts of fluid every 24 hours, unless you are instructed otherwise.
If you experience symptoms or side effects, especially if severe, be sure to discuss them with your health care team. They can prescribe medications and/or offer other suggestions that are effective in managing such problems
Medical Conditions Avoid taking Capsule
If you are allergic to any ingredient in amylase/lipase/protease delayed-release capsules or to pork protein
If you have inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) or a flare-up of long-term pancreas problems
if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or are breast-feeding
if you are taking any prescription or nonprescription medicine, herbal preparation, or dietary supplement
if you have allergies to medicines, foods, or other substances
if you have a history of pancreas problems, stomach or bowel problems (eg, blockage, Crohn disease, short bowel syndrome, surgery), or cystic fibrosis
Sialyl Salivary–Type Amylase Associated with Ovarian Cancer
Benefit from Amylase
It is required to digest carbohydrates (polysaccharides) into smaller units (disaccharides), and eventually converting them into even smaller units (monosaccharides) such as glucose
It is involved in anti-inflammatory reactions such as those caused by the release of histamine and similar substances. These inflammatory reactions normally happen to organs which are in contact with the outside environment, such as your skin and lungs and would include problems such as psoriasis, eczema, hives, insect bites, allergic bee and bug stings, topic dermatitis, and all types of herpes as well as lung problems including asthma and emphysema
Ptyalin (that is amylase found in your saliva) begins polysaccharide digestion in the mouth and the process is completed in the small intestine by amylopsin (amylase excreted by the pancreas). It is also involved in digesting and getting rid of dead white blood cells and for this reason you might be more prone to abscesses
Aiding digestion in patients with pancreatic insufficiency Amylase/lipase/protease delayed-release capsules is a digestive enzyme combination. It works by helping the body to digest protein, starch, and fat.
How Much Amylase
The normal range is 23 to 85 units per liter (U/L). Some laboratories give a range of 40 to 140 U/L.
A test can be done to measure the level of this enzyme in your blood
Amylase may also be measured with a urine test.
Medications used to aid in digestion include:
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) agents and Tylenol® such as naproxen sodium and ibuprofen may provide relief of pain related to your inflamed pancreas.
If you are to avoid NSAID drugs, because of your type of cancer or chemotherapy you are receiving, acetaminophen (Tylenol®) up to 4000 mg per day (two extra-strength tablets every 6 hours) may help. It is important not to exceed the recommended daily dose of Tylenol®, as it may cause liver damage.
Discuss this with your healthcare provider.
Pancreatic enzymes, your pancreas may not be able to produce enzymes necessary for fat digestion. This may be due to surgery, cancers, or pancreatitis. Enzymes are available in a pill form, such as pancrease. Taken with meals, this will help you to digest fats.
Side effects
Diarrhea, nausea or stomach pain should be reported to your healthcare provider. Amylase/lipase/protease delayed-release capsules is used for: Aiding digestion in patients with pancreatic insufficiency. Amylase/lipase/protease delayed-release capsules is a digestive enzyme combination. It works by helping the body to digest protein, starch, and fat.
Ask your health care provider if amylase/lipase/protease delayed-release capsules may interact with other medicines that you take. Check with your health care provider before you start, stop, or change the dose of any medicine
Food rich in Amylase
Carbohydrates are one of the three major food groups needed for proper nutrition. Amylase is the digestive enzyme needed to digest carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates in food are an important and immediate source of energy for the body. Starch refers to carbohydrates found in plants (grains).
Vegetables and fruits are a source of starch and are broken down to sugar or glucose.
Carbohydrates are present in at least small quantities in most food, but the chief sources are the sugars and the starches. Sugars include granulated sugar, maple sugar, honey and molasses. Simple sugars are fructose and fruit sugar. Double sugars are sugar cane, sugar beet, maltose or malt sugar, lactose or milk sugar.
All ripe fruits and vegetables contain some natural sugars. Starches are present in such foods as rice, wheat and potatoes.
We strongly encourage you to talk with your health care professional about your specific medical condition and treatments. and before taking any kind of vitamin or supplement
[Top of the page]Description
Bromelain (also sometimes incorrectly referred to as bromelian) is an enzyme capable of digesting protein and is present in pineapple stems and ripe or unripe pineapple fruits. For this reason it is also referred to as the pineapple enzyme. Common symptoms of Bromelain Deficiency
People suffering from angina, asthma, minor injuries as well as urinary tract infection may benefit from a bromelain supplement. Eating potatoes or soybeans when you take bromelain could make it less effective. Given the lack of evidence about its safety, bromelain is
Common symptoms of Bromelain Toxicity
an increase of heart rate
gastric disturbances
allergic reaction
Increased bleeding may occur when used with anticoagulants
Bromelain can cause stomach upset, diarrhea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, and heavy menstrual periods
It can trigger reactions in people with allergies to pineapples, certain pollens, carrots, celery, rye and wheat flour, latex, bee venom, and other substances
Bromelain can raise the risk of bleeding. Make sure to stop taking it at least two weeks before surgery
Check with a doctor before using bromelain if you have any health conditions
bleeding disorder, asthma, heart problems, liver or kidney disease, or stomach ulcers
Not recommended for children or for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
Bromelain supplements are promoted as an alternative remedy for various health problems including joint inflammation and cancer
Bromelain may help reduce the ill effects of some types of chemotherapy.
Still under study that bromelain shrinks tumors, improves comfort, or extends the life of people with cancer
Practitioners claim bromelain relieves the pain and inflammation caused by joint disorders such as arthritis and that it inhibits cancer cell growth when combined with chemotherapy
Can “digest fat”
People who take bromelain pills can lose weight without diet or exercise
Bromelain fights bacterial and viral infections.
Benefit from Bromelain
Bromelain has been heralded as an anti-inflammatory agent, helpful in healing minor injuries, such as sprains and strains, muscle injuries, and sports injuries
it is used for treatment of traumatic and post-operative swelling
It is used in fighting urinary tract infections when combined with trypsin
helpful in preventing excessive blood platelet stickiness
indicating it to decrease thrombopheitis and angina
Since it can reduce the thickness of mucus it could be helpful to people suffering from asthma and bronchitis, sinus infections (especially when paired with antibiotics), recovery from surgery (like sinus surgery)
it may have a beneficial effect on drug absorption, blood coagulation, fibrinolysis, third-degree burns, diarrhea as well as tumor growth
Bromelain has proved to be effective in fighting certain diarrhea causing bacteria (Escherichia coli), which makes it a perfect supplement to take along when traveling, since diarrhea is often encountered when traveling to strange places.
help with knee pain not caused by arthritis, colitis.
As a cream, it might help relieve rashes and burns
Researchers have looked at bromelain as a treatment for other conditions, like rheumatoid arthritis and urinary infections
Use of bromelain for tissues damaged by burns, as a digestive enzyme, to reduce arthritis pain, and for treating bowel inflammation or diarrhea
Reduces the swelling and inflammation of soft-tissue injuries.
How Much Bromelain
There is no standard dose for bromelain. For swelling, some experts have recommended a range of 80 milligrams to 320 milligrams of extract taken two to three times daily. One or two 200-milligram bromelain tablets are used for knee pain. Ask your health care provider for advice
Bromelain might work best when taken without food.
Can get bromelain naturally from the stem and fruit of the pineapple.
Food rich in Bromelain
It is found in pineapples
Bromelain seems to reduce inflammation, in some cases. When taken along with trypsin and rutin, bromelain appears to help with osteoarthritis, relieving pain and improving joint function
Interactions. If you take any drugs or supplements regularly, talk to your doctor before you start using bromelain. It could interact with certain antibiotics, blood thinners, antiplatelet drugs, aspirin and NSAID painkillers, and cancer drugs
Coenzyme Q10 Coming Soon!!!!!
Lactase Coming Soon!!!!!
Lipase Coming Soon!!!!!
Protease Coming Soon!!!!!